Names by Same | Grafflibrary

Names by Same


It's all about making a name for yourself.

You choose a letter combinationand start writing it as much as possible. After some years of hard workyou will probably get some recognation for your 'name'. Now you are famous, and for most of us it ends there. But what if this teenage hunger for attention is not your drive anymore? Then only a few of us keep going for pure enjoyment of the action.

These pages feature over 100 'names' of my friends that were painted in 2015.

Author: Same & Friends
Publisher: Chemistry Publishing
Language: English
Format: Softcover
Size: A5
Pages: 80
Edition of: 1000
Instagram: @chemistry.publishing

Ether Utah Same

Kraft envelope with stamp

Kraft envelope with stamp

Signed & Numbered by Same

Signed & Numbered by Same

Full color printing

Full color printing